Still very slow theme compared to other themes. Specialy the category filters working very slow on powerfull server machine. After doing code profiling and detailed checking query requests the devs and hoster found a lot of issues in theme filter process for filter terms. We fixed it by custom modification and improved 4x query speed. The problem begins if you have 7.000 products.
We are thrilled to introduce the beta version of XStore Theme 9.2, packed with exciting new features, improvements, and optimizations! This update aims to elevate your website-building experience to new heights, and we kindly ask for your help to make it even better.
We invite you to test this beta version before the official release and provide us with your valuable feedback. Your input will help us make it more stable before the final rollout.
Thanks everyone for submitting this request and I hope this update will take you closer to speed requirements you wanted to.
Due to the fact this update contains many changes, please, try to update it on your staging sites first or do the backup of your real site first before update it there.
I think a quick-win can be a async or defer attribute on some of the JS and CSS files that XStore generates. There is a lot of minified files (JS and CSS) that are reported as render-blocking in Google Pagespeed Insights.
If you can add async or defer on these files, the loading speed of the more important code will improve a lot!
Non-critical JS and CSS can be everything used for interactivity and animations. For example, JQuery animations, hover effects, scrolling effects, etc.
It is very important to test this though, because deferring something important can slow down or even break a page.
Olga said "We plan major update of speed improvement at the end of the spring"
That's great news but Spring doesn't end until 20 June 2021 in the UK. I would personally and to be honest judging from the amount of speed concerns raised in the forum have no more features added and full development attention to SPEED!
Also: a LOT of unnecessary code resides due to choice of demo templates. By providing a cleanup method to clear all residual code of not chosen demos would definitely clean up the master template!
Activity Newest / Oldest
Still very slow theme compared to other themes. Specialy the category filters working very slow on powerfull server machine. After doing code profiling and detailed checking query requests the devs and hoster found a lot of issues in theme filter process for filter terms. We fixed it by custom modification and improved 4x query speed. The problem begins if you have 7.000 products.
XSTORE IS LIKE A LUXURY CAR, only need more speed, (light weight) and some reference guide to fix issues while theme is hanging or causing zigzag
Jack Richardson
Hello everyone,
We are thrilled to introduce the beta version of XStore Theme 9.2, packed with exciting new features, improvements, and optimizations! This update aims to elevate your website-building experience to new heights, and we kindly ask for your help to make it even better.
We invite you to test this beta version before the official release and provide us with your valuable feedback. Your input will help us make it more stable before the final rollout.
For all the details and information, please visit our forum topic: [XStore 9.2 Beta Testing - Be the First to Try!]
Kind regards,
Jack Richardson
Yes, Please always keep working on this.
8theme team
Status changed to: Done
Jack Richardson
Hello everyone !
Few hours ago we had a big update of theme 8.0 & core 4.0 that includes many things about improvings, speed optimization, modular css/js, etc.
All changes you may find on ->
Thanks everyone for submitting this request and I hope this update will take you closer to speed requirements you wanted to.
Due to the fact this update contains many changes, please, try to update it on your staging sites first or do the backup of your real site first before update it there.
Regards, Jack Richardson
Great to see it in progress.
Speed is the Major concern now days and a Key factor for Performance.
I think a quick-win can be a async or defer attribute on some of the JS and CSS files that XStore generates. There is a lot of minified files (JS and CSS) that are reported as render-blocking in Google Pagespeed Insights.
If you can add async or defer on these files, the loading speed of the more important code will improve a lot!
Non-critical JS and CSS can be everything used for interactivity and animations. For example, JQuery animations, hover effects, scrolling effects, etc.
It is very important to test this though, because deferring something important can slow down or even break a page.
Great explanation:
@Jack - Can the developers see this great post, please?
Great to see that this is in progress now. Love the theme but having performance issues since installing it.
@Jack Richardson - Elementor has released their 3.1 version and I've noticed my GTMetrix improves ever so slightly.
I'm glad this has moved to "In Progress"
Olga said "We plan major update of speed improvement at the end of the spring"
That's great news but Spring doesn't end until 20 June 2021 in the UK. I would personally and to be honest judging from the amount of speed concerns raised in the forum have no more features added and full development attention to SPEED!
Let's gooooooooo champ!
Jack Richardson
Status changed to: In progress
Bas Kling
Also: a LOT of unnecessary code resides due to choice of demo templates. By providing a cleanup method to clear all residual code of not chosen demos would definitely clean up the master template!
Good idea.
Bas Kling
Not too many issues anymore after optimizing our website. Could do with a simpler DOM tree though...
What demo are you using?
What's your GT Metrix score like? Got a link to it.
I'm still suffering from speed issues and have even moved away from GoDaddy to another host.
I hope it is planned for this year....
In 2020, I felt the development team didn't prioritise to address the speed much. Please don't deny this.
8theme team
Status changed to: Planned
This is now the most voted forum request ever.
I hope the long-standing problem of the theme being slow is fixed in due course.
Yes please, speed up the theme. The TTFB is huge, while the theme is superb. Unusable as is.
Well said RomRom!