Sale countdown on variable products

  • Done


Please add this features on the product page, it works just on single product. thanks!


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Jack Richardson

Status changed to: Done


Jack Richardson

Hello @cristian,
Sorry for the delay in answering and thanks for details provided !
As you may see that schedule global options are available only for Simple product type by WooCommerce -> prnt.sc/vWViqM1-a0KZ and in case the product type is another Variable/Grouped such global schedule is not displayed prnt.sc/U77fP8uBGBOW and should be configured specialy on each variation -> prnt.sc/oYyAQZRK_PIo.

In case any of variations has schedule settings set - the customer on choosing this variation will see the countdown timer -> gyazo.com/aa8790838f2afcd42f97ae7f80dd5bf7

P.S. don't forget to have Sale countdown option set properly to show countdown -> prnt.sc/0j5jCMUn7t0f.

Kind regards, Jack Richardson



Add countdown for global variations, because if I send pant in size S,M,L,XL, need to create variable product, in this case I can apply countdown for the global product.
Just need to add an option for variable product : Enable countdown for global product...


Jack Richardson

Hello @cristian
It is real to have on your web-site even now but follow next guidelines we answered in this topic -> www.8theme.com/topic/product-slider-problem/#post-288730

I will add next text for quick answer here ->

Point is that variable product has option to add a schedule for every single variation and these schedules could be different, we can’t show them all. That’s why we display the counter only in case the simple product schedule date used. In your case you can switch to simple type, set date, switch to variable type and save settings only after that gyazo.com/bb94e0b127afcc70df9b010703447232

Waiting for your feedback @cristian