Make the Sales Booster Fake Sold Counter Fully Customizable

  • Done


The Sold Counter Feature inserts content and text before the Add to Cart button and the Buy Now button which is really important when it comes to conversions.

It would be better if it accepted shortcodes and all emojis so further content is inserted there.


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Jack Richardson

Status changed to: Done


Jack Richardson

Hello everyone,

We thank you for sharing your idea with us.

We would like to inform you that it is possible to add custom emojis to your text in the message option (prnt.sc/tnBmvq1Y51O8) and in most cases they will be successfully saved and displayed on the frontend -> prnt.sc/FE6VBkyzPnvb.

We have implemented the "emoji" feature in a different way, using {fire}, {bag} words which will be replaced on the frontend. This was done to prevent any issues or errors with saving "ready" emojis from Sales booster options due to specific server configurations, database encoding types, or other server requirements.

For more information on this, please refer to the following topics:

We understand your query regarding making shortcodes work and we will forward this request for further implementation.

We think testing the default "Gallery" shortcode to check if it works as desired will be ok for making sure your request is done. Please refer to the following examples for testing if they are ok:
prnt.sc/T_s0JoxL5TRB (options configuration)
prnt.sc/JY9hSftjwjO2 (expected result)

We would appreciate your feedback on our thoughts and any additional details you may have for better customization of the Sold counter feature.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best Regards, Jack Richardson